Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday's Antics

Today has been very productive and it's only 1:16pm! We were lucky to sleep in late, as Landyn was exhausted from our day at the zoo yesterday (with no nap -- yeah I don't recommend that for a 2 year old who is used to napping...). We played outside for a bit before nap today.

I also made the kids their Easter shirts to wear after church tomorrow.
Then it was inside and NAP time!! While they napped, I was able to get a new resource ready to use this week with my class. We have SBAC testing coming up, and we desperately need to review parts of speech. We will be watching Flocabulary videos throughout the week about parts of speech and filling in this graphic organizer. Also, on Monday, students will write a story about Bacon's Rebellion (we just finished covering this event in Social Studies). Throughout the week, as we review the different parts of speech, they will edit their writing for that particular part. So for example, on Monday we will watch an over arching review and they will write their piece. On Tuesday, we will watch a noun review, and they will go through and edit for nouns. Wednesday may be adjectives and verbs, and they will edit and revise for that. Thursday adverbs and pronouns, and Friday prepositions and interjections. Get what I mean?

So I made a graphic organizer flip chart for my kids to glue down to keep their definitions straight. I am a Star Wars geek admittedly and I ran with that theme. This resource will be FREE until Monday afternoon on my TPT Shop. Check it out!

Follow this link Flying Through Parts of Speech to my TPT store for this resource!

I hope you have enjoyed keeping up with me, my family, and our antics :)

~ Kari

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