Created a new math product today to review Order of Operations with my 5th graders. I think it came out pretty darn cute!
In this product, students will be able to glue a foldable into their interactive math notebooks. We LOVE our interactive math notebooks, and our IRNs (interactive reading notebooks) in our classroom! The students are able to manipulate something to help them learn the skill or concept. In this case, they will use this foldable to take notes about PEMDAS.
Students will then complete a practice sheet where they have to circle the expression that will be evaluated first, and then solve the problem.
As a follow up activity, students will do a QR Task Card activity. My kids LOVE doing these, because it allows them to use our classroom iPad minis (thank you to the parents of my kids/friends and Donors Choose!) to scan the code and the answer pops up. They will compare their answer from their recording sheet with the answer on the screen. This is where I see a lot of my students then going back to their desks to figure out where they went wrong. If they got the answer correct, they grab a new task card and repeat the process. QR codes are super easy to create, and you can just google "QR Code Generator" to try it yourself.
So there you have it! This product is up on my TPT store and will be on sale until Thursday evening! Grab it while you can :)
Here's the link:
Splash into Order of Operations
Thanks for listening,
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